Situational Test

1. You have been tasked to complete a financial report when a colleague asks for help with a complex task they are stuck on. They explain that they have been confused by one part of the task for some time and it’s preventing them from getting any further today. You are aware your colleague has had the same training as you and has access to supporting documentation available. You know it could take some time to go through every aspect of this task with your colleague. However, you had intended to finish off your report today as you have lots of deliverables scheduled for tomorrow when the report is due.

Offer to help your colleague on the part of the task that is holding them up to see if this enables them to progress

Suggest to your colleague that they take the time to look through the supporting documents and their training notes on this particular task

Review your schedule and see if you can adapt it to make some time available to go through every aspect of the task with your colleague today

Explain to your colleague that you have a busy schedule tomorrow when your report is due which is preventing you from committing to helping them today

Do your own task because you have a deadline due, and tell your colleague to seek help from someone else.

2. Over the past few weeks, you have noticed that the response time provided by the Business Support team is regularly affected by issues with their current system. You think that the current system could be improved with fresh ideas that could make a big difference. However, you are still new to the organization and are not as familiar with the details of the current system and how long these issues have been around. You are aware it will take some time to get familiar with the system. You approach one of your colleagues to speak about this matter and they explain that they have tried to solve these issues before, but due to the complexity of the system, there is not much that can be done.

Gather feedback from your experienced colleagues on the issues faced when using the system so you can analyze these to establish trends

Stick with using the system in place for now as you would need more time to understand the details and complexity of the system

Think about the times you have used this system when working on the service desk to help work out what could be improved

Take time to talk to your colleagues about the current system in place and generate some diverse ideas that could help make a difference in the response times.

Directly go to your senior and talk about the matter and present your idea about the same..